You need a professionnal to get an evaluation of you diamond. He will need to have the knowledge, the equipments and the willingness to accompany you in this important step.
After an analysis of the four criteria (color, clarity, cut, carat), it is clear that the results differ from one appraiser to another. Why ? Because valuing diamonds is an art! An appraiser must make his own inspection to arrive at his opinion. After 25 years of experience in Quebec, I looked at all kinds of reports … Some less rigorous than others!

In addition to the 4 C’s mentioned above, other criteria must be taken in consideration. Fluorescence (for example, with medium blue, it will malke the diamond appear whiter in the sun – with very strong blue, the diamond will appear fogged and therefore diminish the value), the position of inclusions can weaken the stone, the color of inclusions (black or white?) influences the general visual appearance of the diamond.
Has the diamond been trearted by fractured filled (purpuse: to make the inclusions less visible) or by high-pressure high-temperature (purpuse: to make the diamond whiter)? Or worse, is the origin of diamond natural or synthetic?
If the diamond in the frame is evaluated, the weight will have to be calculated or sometimes estimated according to the measurements. Between a diamond of 0.98 carat and 1.02 carat, the financial value could fluctuate significantly! Have inclusions been cleverly camouflaged under the claws? Sometimes!
A diamond is very resistant to wear, but it can break, especially on the edges. Is it possible to recut it? If so, is the cost worth it? It depends – to discuss.

Consumers have long thought that a diamond always keeps its value. In fact, the diamond keeps a value but not necessarily the one you paid! Sometimes on the rise, often on the downside.
The market is changing. Internet accessibility has changed the rules. Once controlled by the De Beers monopoly, the market is now very open.
In North America, prices are in US dollars. Exchange rates fluctuate. In 2000 (at the opening of La Boîte à Bijoux), you had to pay 1.50 CAD to buy a US dollar. In 2019, it takes $ 1.34 for the same dollar.
Here are things that change the game: baby boomers want to sell their diamonds, Canada’s arrival as a major player (the world’s third largest producer) and also the new rich coming from China, India and Russia.
Buyers want a sparkling white diamond and, moreover, they care about the mining conditons! We remember the sad episode of “conflict diamonds – blood diamonds” from 1990 to 2010 …
I1-I2 clarity and K-L-M colors are less successful. The cut of the 1960’s, 1970’s and even the 1980’s shine less and often, we have to adjust the price.
Your 1970’s car has long been scrapped for a long time, your trip to Florida or Paris is nothing but a pleasant distant memory. Your diamond! will have made you proud to wear it and it retains a value. Which ? It’s up to us to establish it and explain it to you!